


The HHS Advancement Office is committed to maintaining its connections with alumni and friends of the school.
This includes:

  • Cultivating lifelong relationships with our alumni
  • Seeking opportunities to grow and improve HHS
  • Fundraising
  • Community and alumni relations

The Advancement Office is also dedicated to promoting HHS and the people who achieve so much while at the School and upon leaving UNCG.


Donor support to UNCG and HHS is vital, and allows us to offer scholarships, research support, faculty support and more to our outstanding faculty, students and staff. Donor investment in HHS over the past year has allowed us to do things such as:

  • Award $357,000 in scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students
  • Award $12,000 for student and faculty travel to conferences to present their research

There are many ways that you, as a friend or alumnus of the School of Health and Human Sciences can help support our students. From annual giving in the form of a monthly recurring credit card gift, an endowment to support a passion which will provide funding well in the future, to a gift through your estate which will allow you to leave a legacy at UNCG and in the School that we all love so much!

If you or someone that you know would like to learn more about options for making a gift to support HHS, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly via email cmjones10@uncg.edu.

—&²Ô²ú²õ±è;C.J. Jones, Director of Development


Making philanthropic commitments to UNCG and the School of Health and Human Sciences provides opportunities for our students, faculty and staff to thrive in their research, teaching, and learning.

From a $5 gift to a departmental enrichment fund, an Endowed Professorship, to a scholarship fund in honor of an alumnus’s time on campus, each and every gift has the potential to impact someone’s life.

  • Each year, HHS receives financial support from nearly 600 donors, and every additional donor provides an additional opportunity to fund our needs.
  • Each year, the School of Health and Human Sciences awards nearly $400,000 in scholarships from an endowment in excess of $10,000,000.


  • Endowed faculty positions
  • Endowed research and professional development funds
  • Gifts which come into departmental funds on a year to year basis

This funding provides opportunities for our students and faculty to operate free from additional financial worries to pursue careers that will have a positive impact on our community, state, country, and world.

HHS Advancement Office members.

C.J. Jones


Director of Development